Blue Beyond Consulting
Info Session

Learn more about Best Boss - Our Foundational Manager Training and Development Program

On-demand recording | 30 min

Learn more about Best Boss - Our Foundational Manager Training and Development Program

On-demand recording | 30 min

Want to develop great people leaders in your organization?

Watch below to learn about Best Boss® — Our foundational manager development training program 

Best Boss® is an immersive, multi-session, facilitated learning experience that equips leaders with the mindset and capabilities to unleash the potential of their people and lead engaged, high-performing teams. 

Our approach goes beyond basic skills and shapes the way managers think about their role and opportunity as a people leader. Each session also comes with practical tools managers can immediately apply to with teams.

This 30-min info session recording will cover:

  • The foundational program concept of Deep Trust, and High Expectations® cultures and teams
  • A brief overview of the four essential skill-building practices that make up  the program: 
    • Aligning to Broader Purpose
    • Providing Feedback
    • Sharpening Communication Skills
    • Supporting Career Development
  • Best practices for deploying this program with your managers


Audience: Open to anyone, designed for Learning and Development or HR leaders interested in learning more about our Best Boss Manager Development Training Program. 


Click the video below to begin the recording: