Blue Beyond Consulting

Values Navigator: title of values identification toolkit


A simple tool and process for guiding your team through identification and articulation of core organizational values.

Why Use Values Navigator?

Build the foundation for a collaborative team exercise

Give everyone a solid place to start the values conversation

Surface the most important values essential for the future

Use the cards to explore and debate what matters most to your organization

Inspire rich, productive dialogue between participants

Encourage meaningful conversations about what your organization stands for and why

Build alignment around shared ideals

Ensure every voice is heard and everyone is involved in defining the values that will drive positive behaviors every day

Values Navigator Workshop

Values Navigator is available as an expert-facilitated values identification exercise for you and your organization.

Learn more


Core Values 101

Core Values Assessment

Company Values Assessment Determine if your company can benefit from a refreshed or new set of values

Infographic: Effective Core Values

Infographic- Effective Company Values Discover the key aspects of effective company values

Values Navigator Case Study

Values Navigator Case Study - Learn how one company used values to shift behavior & connect to its mission