Blue Beyond Consulting

Who We Are

Our Mission, Purpose, and Values

At Blue Beyond Consulting, we believe that the heart of a truly successful organization lies in the deep alignment between its Mission, Purpose, and Values. Our Mission defines what we aim to achieve, our Purpose explains why we exist, and our Values are the guiding principles and compass guiding our journey towards success. Together, they form the essence of our identity and drive our commitment to excellence, innovation, and meaningful impact.

Understanding and embodying this alignment is crucial for fostering our Deep Trust and High Expectations® culture. It inspires our team to move in unison towards a shared vision, empowers individuals to contribute their very best, and cultivates an environment where relationships, mutual respect, and collaboration flourish. In short, our Mission, Purpose, and Values permeate every aspect of our work and guide us in making a positive difference in the lives of our clients, our communities, and each other.

Our Mission

Building effective organizations where both the business and the people thrive®

Our Purpose

When we formed Blue Beyond, we asked “What is the future we yearn for?” We came up with seven statements of purpose that together express the higher purpose that animates our work.

Business is a force for good.

If capitalism is the bedrock of our system for taking ideas to reality in our world, then businesses own the moral responsibility to do our part to do good work to sustain our people and planet. We want to be a part of making businesses a force for good. The Fortune 1000 owns much of the capital of the world and if good happens in the world, corporations need to be part of the mix.

We live as global citizens, cherishing our common humanity and respecting our diversity.

The first time we looked at earth from space, there was a significant shift in human consciousness. We are all in this together, we are interdependent—and the variety and diversity of our world is what brings beauty, creativity, challenge, and sustainability for all of us—and we need to nurture that and celebrate it.

We have a deep, sustaining, and conscientious connection to nature and an enduring stewardship for our particular place on the planet.

While we are global citizens, we find our place in the whole when we are deeply connected to nature and to our particular place and time. Each of us has a distinct responsibility to tend our particular place, the human and natural ecosystem we are part of.

Our workplaces are a genuine source of community and connection.

Work is a huge element of our lives—work should be a rejuvenating and sustaining place for every one of us. If we are going to work as hard as we do, the workplace should be a place of community and connection. Businesses can be hopeful places for the people who work with them.

Group genius is catalyzed to help solve our most intractable problems.

Two heads are smarter than one. If we can create an environment where people can bring their whole selves to work, we can create environments with exponential promise. Our weaknesses are someone else’s opportunities. The truth is that we are smarter together than any one of us would be alone. This is not a zero sum game because there is only more.

Every child has the chance to flourish, learn, and thrive.

The future is what we are here for. This starts with our commitment to our employees’ children and expands to the children in our neighborhoods, our place, our time, our world. Our children are our legacy and the decisions we make today, impact their future.

Mind, soul, heart, and body health is valued and nurtured in our workplaces and in our communities.

We are whole people and we want our work together to nurture each other and our clients. If we show up like this for our clients, it gives them the space to also show up as whole people. We are also committed to creating psychologically safe groups, where the teams have a safe place for interpersonal risk taking.

Our Values

At Blue Beyond, our values aren't just statements; they're the essence of what "makes us, us," undergirding our Deep Trust and High Expectations culture. These five values shape our character, mindsets, norms, and behaviors, driving our collective actions toward excellence. They are the commitments that help us create the future we yearn for:

Group Genius

We recognize that none of us are good at everything, but together we can do anything.

This means we:

  • Work in teams, actively seeking diverse
    perspectives and tapping into each
    individual’s unique expertise and knowhow to exchange and build on ideas.
  • Ask good questions rather than feeling the need to have all the answers.
  • Share our honest opinions, without being attached to the outcome.
  • Listen for and integrate new information
    into our thinking and our approach.
  • Proactively communicate, collaborate, and seek help or support when needed.
  • Seek feedback on work and deliverables
    and iterate to continuously improve.

Reciprocal Care & Respect

We show up for each other as humans and support our collective community.

This means we:

  • Create space to get to know each other as unique humans, fostering lasting relationships with each other.
  • Adapt our style of interaction to connect
    effectively and treat others as they would
    want to be treated.
  • See each other in our strengths and
    struggles (Sawabona/Shikoba), sharing and accepting honest feedback
    respectfully and non-defensively.
  • Practice giving the most respectful
    interpretation and ‘clear the line’ with the utmost care and respect when we have a breakdown.
  • Embrace diverse perspectives and hold contradictory thoughts and feelings
    simultaneously and with understanding.
  • We pay it forward and feel responsible for supporting and contributing to our shared community.

Learning for a Living

We believe self-aware, self-directed learners outperform others always.

This means we:

  • Are motivated by, excited about,
    and continuously seek new learning
  • Own where we are in our learning journey, asking for the direction and support we need to build our competence and confidence.
  • Embrace a growth mindset, showing
    willingness to admit and learn from
    mistakes, and managing our discomfort in that process.
  • Adapt in the face of ambiguity, trusting the process and embracing the learning journey.
  • Stay flexible, pivoting as conditions change.
  • Learn predominantly through our work, actively applying knowledge and experience in a way that maps to different contexts.

Owner's Mindset

We invest in Blue Beyond’s and our clients’ success, because it’s our success, too.

This means we:

  • Demonstrate curiosity about our business
    and invest time in building consulting
    business acumen.
  • Make decisions that support Blue
    Beyond’s financial and cultural
  • Take ownership of anything that is asked of us, recognizing that no task is too small.
  • Notice what needs to get done and
    take accountability for proactively
    seeing tasks through.
  • Pride ourselves on adding value
    and exceeding expectations.
  • Are responsive, reliable, and show
    up prepared.



We start from a place of abundance, possibility, and potential.

This means we:

  • Create space to dream big and help others see what’s possible.
  • Take nothing and nobody for granted, approaching work and each other with humility and humanity.
  • Apply an appreciative approach, looking to build on existing strengths and opportunities.
  • Notice, name, and cherish the distinct “gem” in each person.
  • Express our appreciation in words and actions, cultivating memorable moments of joy and delight.
  • Strive to be a force for good, giving back to each other, our clients, our loved ones, and our communities.

The Blue Beyond Trust

We also created Blue Beyond® Consulting to leverage our collective talent to do good in the world, and this includes how we invest our time and money beyond our consulting efforts. Our vision and commitment is that the success of Blue Beyond helps to support — through the Blue Beyond Trust — a wide variety of projects and ventures that contribute to creating a better future for our children, our communities, and our planet. Some of the organizations we have supported so far: