Blue Beyond Consulting


Good for Me, Good for Us, Good for the World: A New Agenda For Business Leaders

Our award-winning comprehensive study helps leaders understand and anticipate employee expectations, enabling them to shore up their organization and play defense.


Good for me ebook cover

Key factors driving employee disengagement

The force-for-good imperative for business – and how to step up to the challenge

Strategies to mitigate talent flight risk and attract and retain your people


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A sneak peek at our survey results:

Study participants, which included an equal mix of knowledge workers, business leaders, and HR leaders, shared clear expectations and consequences for employers:

  • 8 in 10 survey respondents say it’s important that their company values align with their own – but only 57% of knowledge workers say they actually do
  • 52% of knowledge workers are likely to quit their job if company values do not align with their own
  • More than 3 in 4 of all respondents (76%) expect their employer and business in general (77%) to be a force for good in society
  • Over 70% of all respondents – from nearly every age, region, company size, and demographic group – say businesses have an obligation to be a force for good in society

Read the full study results

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